Ablaye and Daba

Ablaye and Daba

Friday, September 5, 2008

A few last good-byes.....

Well... today is my last day of work. I know i have a million things to be doing within the next half hour but i just wanted to take a minute to write a very big thank you to all of my co-workers at Harrison County Hospital. I LOVE the camera and have spent half the day eating cookies and other goodies. I really appreciate everything. :):):) Also, thanks to everyone that went out for sushi last night... VERY nice!

I will be flying out Monday morning...this is getting weird! Unfortunately i dont have anything too exciting to be writing about like sugarplum fairies and snicker doodles (Sarah) but hopefully my blog will be filled with a little more entertainment in the near future!

Also, Angie, MC Hammer WILL be making it to Senegal... dont worry... You work on the Roger Rabbit and i will work on my "Cant Touch This".... i think there are plenty of African children that need to know about him!

More to come soon!